Key , Account: Snorunt40 , Snoyuki
Position Applying for: Enforcer, or any
Age: 14
How can you help:
Id like to help out so there are some people to enforce the rules, at all times. I could help out alot of people who need help with the game, since I know a lot about Bleach, and INH. I would make sure people dont break any rules. A lot of times i see hospital killers and no one is doing anything about it.
How long have you been playing : 1 Month
Why are you applying : Cause there are barely in Gms on and then went there they just go AFK.
Have you had any experience as a admin or any other : I have been an admin, but In DBZ Games but i know how the game works
Ending Statement: I would like to say that I love this game, and would like to see this game be the best.